HACCP Certification
HACCP is a management system that every operator in the food sector must implement to assess and calculate risks, and to establish control measures to prevent hygienic and sanitary problems in all stages of production and processing of food products. The HACCP principles are part of the European Directives and the Albanian Food Legislation, the implementation of which is a legal requirement for all food industry operators. Albanian legislation with instruction No. 20, dated 25.11.2010 "On the implementation of preliminary programs, of good hygiene practices, good production practices and procedures based on the analysis of risks and critical control points (HACCP) in food establishments", foresees the obligation to applied the HACCP protocol to all operators in the food sector.
This system includes seven basic principles that are used in the implementation of HACCP
- Risk Analysis, which includes the identification of all risks, which must be prevented, avoided or reduced to an acceptable level;
- Determination of Critical Control Points (CCP) in places where control is important for preventing, avoiding or reducing risks to an acceptable level;
- Establishing Critical Limits (CC) at critical control points (CCP), which separate the acceptable from the unacceptable for prevention, avoidance or reduction of identified risks;
- Setting up the monitoring system for the control of critical control points (CCP);
- Establishment of corrective actions to be taken when during monitoring it is observed that the critical control point is not under control;
- Establishment of verification procedures to confirm that the HACCP system is functioning accurately;
- Creation of documentation related to all procedures and registers e appropriate to these principles and their application.
Advantages of implementing the HACCP system
- Expresses commitment to food safety responsibilities;
- Creates the culture of food safety within the company;
- It reduces the economic consequences that may appear;
- Protects the consumer and public health;
- Promotes international trade by increasing confidence in food safety; Facilitates inspections by national authorities.
Tirana Food Consulting offers the monitoring of the implementation of the HACCP standard by implementing the best international practices and the necessary consultancy for the establishment of Quality Management Systems for the certification of your activity.
- 00355 67 75 75 020
- 00355 68 31 94 900
- [email protected]
- www.tiranafoodconsulting.com
- Don Bosco Street, Tirana, Albania