GMP Certification

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the food industry are a fundamental operational and environmental condition. The application of the GMP system ensures that products are manufactured and continuously controlled in accordance with quality and safety standards. The system is designed in such a way as to minimize the risk which cannot be eliminated in the final product. Many countries create their own GMP guidelines, which correspond to the legislation in force, and the implementation of the standard depends on these requirements.
GMP certification means the fulfillment of the basic sanitary and processing conditions necessary for all food production enterprises.

Advantages of implementing the GMP standard:

Tirana Food Consulting ofron monitorimin e zbatimit të standardit GMP duke zbatuar praktikat më të mira ndërkombëtare dhe konsulencën e nevojshme për ngritjen e Sistemeve të Menaxhimit të Cilësisë për çertifikimin e aktivitetit tuaj.

